
问 天 科 学 讲 坛(总第114场)



报告题目:PID 控制的理论基础与设计方法


报告时间: 2017年929(周14:30






1998年当选美国电子与电气工程师协会(IEEE)会士,2001年当选中国科学院院士,2002年当选发展中国家科学院院士,2007年因“在随机系统的自适应控制与估计理论以及反馈的最大能力研究方面所做出的根本性贡献”,而当选国际自动控制联合会(IFAC)会士,2007年当选瑞典皇家工程科学院外籍院士,2014年被瑞典皇家理工学院授予荣誉博士学位。1993年因“解决了最小二乘自校正调节器的收敛性及收敛速度这一控制理论中长期悬而未决的问题”,获得IFAC世界大会青年作者奖。2014年他与合作者关于局部相互作用下大群体系统同步性的文章,被美国工业与应用数学会(SIAM)旗舰刊物SIAM Review选为SIGEST论文重新发表,并在SIAM颁奖会上受到表彰。曾获首届国家杰出青年科学基金(1994),中国科学院自然科学奖(1995),国家自然科学奖(1987,1997),IFAC杰出服务奖(2011)等。曾先后两次应邀在三年一度的IFAC世界大会上作大会报告(1999,2014),在四年一度的国际数学家大会作邀请报告(2002),并被选为IEEE控制系统学会杰出报告者(2012)。


Abstract Despite of the remarkable progress of modern control theory over the past 60 years, the  classical PID (proportional-integral-derivative) controller is still the most widely and successfully used one in various engineering systems. As is well-known, almost all practical control systems are nonlinear with uncertainties, but almost all the existing theoretical studies on PID controller focused on linear systems and the three PID parameters were designed via either experiences or experiments or both. The aim of this paper is to present a mathematical theory on PID controller for nonlinear uncertain systems, by giving a simple and analytic design method for the PID parameters together with a mathematic proof for the global stability and asymptotic regulation of the closed-loop control systems. To be specific, we will construct a 3-dimensional manifold within which the three PID parameters can be chosen arbitrarily to globally stabilize a wide class of second order nonlinear uncertain dynamical systems, as long as some knowledge on the upper bound of the derivatives of the nonlinear uncertain function is available. We will also try to make the feedback gains as small as possible by investigating the necessity of the manifold from which the PID parameters are chosen, and to establish some necessary and sufficient conditions for global stabilization of several special classes of nonlinear uncertain systems.