
系列学术报告(Prof. Mark L. Kachanov)


报告一题目:Heterogeneous materials: Microstructure-property connections and cross-property relations




报告二题目:Writing a scientific paper – comments of journal editor




报告三题目:Effective elastic properties of materials with cracks




报告四题目:Viscosity of suspensions containing particles of various shapes – analogies with mechanics of composites




报告人:Prof. Mark L. Kachanov (Tufts University)


主办单位 : 国际合作处、科协、机械结构力学及控制国家重点实验室、航空宇航学院



We consider materials with cracks, inclusions, pores and consider relations between the effective properties (elasticity, thermal and electric conductivity) and microstructures. We then discuss the connections between the elastic and the conductive properties (cross-property connections). The usefulness of these connections is due to the following factors:

  • Expressing the effective properties in terms of microstructures requires rather detailed knowledge of microstructural information – that may not be available;
  • Using these connections, we can replace measuring the elastic constants (that can be a difficult problem, particularly in anisotropic cases) by easier task – measuring the electric conductivity
  • The cross-property connections can be used for design of microstructures for the best combination of the elastic and conductive properties (for example, in various coatings)



The lecture is motivated by the observation that many papers, while containing interesting results, are not well written. Basic structure of a paper will be discussed. Other issues:

  • Increasing one’s citation statistics
  • Writing a review
  • Choice of a journal: Traditional vs “open access” journals. 

In addition, two other topics will be discussed – if there is an interest to them:

  • Making a presentation
  • Best strategy to find a visiting research position in the West.



Effective elastic properties of materials with multiple cracks will be discussed. Anisotropy caused by cracks is of particular interest. Another important factor – of interest for materials science applications – is the complexity of crack shapes, and presence of partial contacts between crack faces. A review of recent results in this area will be given.



Effective viscosity of suspensions is discussed. It is shown that the classical result of Einstein contradicts Hashin-Shtrikman bounds. The root of the problem is incorrect formulation of the non-interaction approximation. Correct formulation is given, and is shown to be accurate up to substantial concentrations. Results are then extended to non-spherical particles and anisotropic viscosity. It is shown that, for non-spherical particles, their volume fraction cannot, generally, be used as a concentration parameter. These results are obtained by utilizing (1) recent results on micromechanics of solids and (2) viscous flow- elasticity analogies.



Mark L. Kachanov received his Ph.D. in Solid and Structure Mechanics in Brown University in 1981. From 1980—1983, he was an assistant professor of Mechanics and Material Science Rutgers in State University of New Jersey and from 1983—1988, he was appointed as an associate professor of Mechanical Engineering in Tufts University. Since 1988, he has been a professor of Mechanical Engineering in Tufts University. His research fields are mainly about mechanical of heterogeneous materials, multiple cracking and damage and so on.